When and how does one country’s mass-based disintegration experience encourage or deter demands for disintegration in other countries?
Work package 1 studies when and how one country’s disintegration experience encourages or deters new disintegration bids in other states. It tracks Brexit-related contagion risks, explores contagion mechanisms, and traces how disintegration-related opinions of the same individual change over time during a disintegration referendum campaign.
We have fielded six waves of an EU-wide tracking survey and a five-wave panel survey in Switzerland. On this basis, we have analyzed how Brexit has affected public opinion in remaining EU member states (Walter 2021a, Malet and Walter 2021a), and the effects of the Brexit process on the opinion of Swiss citizens about the country’s evolving relationship with the EU (Malet and Walter 2021b). Related work has studied the mechanisms of International contagion (Malet 2022) and the importance of expectations more generally (Grynberg, Walter and Wasserfallen 2020).
- Malet, G., & Walter, S. (2023). Have your cake and eat it, too? Switzerland and the feasibility of differentiated integration after Brexit. West European Politics, 1-30.
- Malet, Giorgio (2022). Cross-National Social Influence. How Foreign Votes Can Affect Domestic Public Opinion. Comparative Political Studies. Online First.
- Malet, Giorgio, and Walter, Stefanie (2021). Process-Based Benchmarking: How Voters Learn from Abroad When Policy Outcomes Are Unclear. Working paper. Zurich: University of Zurich.
- Walter, Stefanie (2021). EU-27 Public Opinion on Brexit. Journal of Common Market Studies 59(3): 569–588.
- Walter, Stefanie (2021). Brexit Domino? The political contagion effects of voter-endorsed withdrawals from international institutions. Comparative Political Studies 54(13): 2382 –2415.
- Grynberg, Charlotte, Stefanie Walter and Fabio Wasserfallen (2019). Expectations, vote choice and opinion stability since the 2016 Brexit referendum. European Union Politics 21(2): 255–275.
- Walter, Stefanie (2019). Brexit and Public Opinion: the EU-27. The UK in a changing Europe blog, 1 February 2019.
- Jurado, Ignacio, Sandra Léon, and Stefanie Walter (2018). European Preferences for Brexit. Evidence from a conjoint experiment in Germany and Spain. Paper presented at the APSA Annual Meeting 2018.
Related output
- Walter, Stefanie (2019). Wie das Volk zum Rahmenabkommen steht. De facto Blog, 8 June 2019.
- Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann and Stefanie Walter (2019). Nationale Souveränität oder wirtschaftliche Integration? Nur für Bürgerliche eine schwierige Entscheidung. De facto Blog, 9 January 2019.
- Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann and Stefanie Walter (2018). National Sovereignty vs. International Cooperation: Policy Choices in Trade-Off Situations. Swiss Political Science Review 24(4): 400-422.
- Walter, Stefanie, Elias Dinas, Ignacio Jurado, and Nikitas Konstantinidis (2018). Non-cooperation by popular vote: Expectations, foreign intervention, and the vote in the 2015 Greek bailout referendum. International Organization 72(4): 969-994.
- Walter, Stefanie (2017). Survey Evidence: Europeans Support the EU’s Hard Line in the Brexit Negotiations. LSE EUROPP Blog.
- Owen, Erica and Stefanie Walter (2017). Open Economy Politics and Brexit. Insights, Puzzles, and Ways Forward. Review of International Political Economy 24(2): 179-202
People working on this work package
Giorgio Malet and Stefanie Walter. For more information, see here.