Find publications and work in progress of the DISINTEGRATION project.
- Hunter, Tom and Walter, Stefanie (2025). International organizations in national parliamentary debates. The Review of International Organizations. 1-27
- Hunter, Tom (2024). Disintegration and party competition: evidence from parliamentary speeches on Brexit. Journal of European Public Policy. 1-24
- Martini, Marco and Walter, Stefanie (2024) Learning from precedent: how the British Brexit experience shapes nationalist rhetoric outside the UK. Journal of European Public Policy, 31(5), 1231-1258
- Malet, Giorgio, and Thiébaut, Cyrille (2024). Silent responsiveness: How public opinion affects party discourse on wedge issues. European Journal of Political Research. 1-24
- Malet, Giorgio and Walter, Stefanie (2023). The reverberations of British Brexit politics abroad. European Union Politics 25(1): 63-85
- Malet, Giorgio and Walter, Stefanie (2023). Have your cake and eat it, too? Switzerland and the feasibility of differentiated integration after Brexit. West European Politics, 1-30.
- Malet, Giorgio (2022). Cross-National Social Influence. How Foreign Votes Can Affect Domestic Public Opinion. Comparative Political Studies 55(14): 2416-2446
- Jurado, Ignacio, Sandra Léon and Stefanie Walter (2021). Brexit Dilemmas: Shaping Postwithdrawal Relations with a Leaving State. International Organization 76(2): 273-304.
- Walter, Stefanie (2021). Book review of “Switzerland‐EU Relations. Lessons for the UK after Brexit?” Paolo Dardanelli and Oscar Mazzoleni (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge (2021). Swiss Political Science Review 27(3): 682-685.
Walter, Stefanie (2021). Brexit Domino? The political contagion effects of voter-endorsed withdrawals from international institutions. Comparative Political Studies 54(13): 2382-2415.
- Walter, Stefanie (2021). The Backlash against Globalization. Annual Review of Political Science 24: 421-442.
- De Vries, Catherine, Sara Hobolt and Stefanie Walter (2021). Politicizing International Cooperation: The Mass Public, Political Entrepreneurs and Political Opportunity Structures. International Organization 75(2): 306-332.
- Walter, Stefanie (2021). EU-27 Public Opinion on Brexit. Journal of Common Market Studies 59(3): 569–588.
- Grynberg, Charlotte, Stefanie Walter and Fabio Wasserfallen (2020). Expectations, vote choice and opinion stability since the 2016 Brexit referendum. European Union Politics 21(2): 255–275.
Working Papers
- Hunter, Tom and Walter, Stefanie (2025). Political Parties and International Organizations: Evidence from Parliamentary Speeches. Working Paper. Zurich: University of Zurich.
- Hunter, Tom and Walter, Stefanie (2024). International Organizations in National Parliamentary Debates. Working Paper. Zurich: University of Zurich.
Buchner, Martin Juan José and Martini, Marco (2024). Fine-Tuned ‘Small’ LLMs (Still) Significantly Outperform Zero-Shot Generative AI Models in Text Classification. Working Paper. Zurich: University of Zurich.
- Heinkelmann-Wild, Tim, Tom Hunter, and Sujeong Shim (2024). Perfect Scapegoats? Blaming and Defending the International Monetary Fund. Working Paper. Zurich: University of Zurich.
- Hunter, Tom (2023). Disintegration and Party Competition: Evidence from Parliamentary Speeches on Brexit. Working Paper. Zurich: University of Zurich.
- Walter, Stefanie (2022). Referendum-endorsed Challenges to International Institutions: Consequences and Responses. Working Paper: University of Zurich.
- Malet, Giorgio, and Walter, Stefanie (2021). Process-Based Benchmarking: How Voters Learn from Abroad When Policy Outcomes Are Unclear. Working paper. Zurich: University of Zurich.
- Walter, Stefanie (2020). The Mass Politics of International Disintegration. CIS Working Paper No 105. Zurich: Center for Comparative and International Studies.
- Walter, Stefanie (2017). National votes with international consequences. A democratic threat to cooperation? Paper presented at the “Challenges to the Contemporary World Order”-Workshop in Filzbach, 6-8 October 2017.
Blog Posts
- Walter, Stefanie (2021). What Swiss voters expect to happen next, after EU talks fail. Bruegel, 31 May 2021.
- Walter, Stefanie (2021). Was passiert wenn deas Rahmenabkommen scheitert? Die Erwartungen beim Schweizer Stimmvolk gehen weit auseinander. De facto Blog, 26. Mai 2021.
- Walter, Stefanie (2021). Three Questins on Brexit. The Worlds Order Forum, 28. April 2021.
- Decadri, Silvia, Giorgio Malet, Marco Martini, and Stefanie Walter (2020). Schlechtere Chancen für die Begrenzungsinitiative wegen der Corona-Krise. De facto Blog, 6 July 2020.
- Walter, Stefanie (2019). Wie das Volk zum Rahmenabkommen steht. De facto Blog, 8 June 2019.
- Walter, Stefanie (2019). Brexit and Public Opinion: the EU-27. The UK in a changing Europe blog, 1 February 2019.
- Walter, Stefanie (2017). Survey Evidence: Europeans Support the EU’s Hard Line in the Brexit Negotiations. LSE EUROPP Blog.
- Walter, Stefanie (2017). The Brexit referendum and the mass politics of disintegration. International History and Politics (IHAP) Newsletter 2(1).
Related Output
Related Publications
- Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann and Stefanie Walter (2018). National Sovereignty vs. International Cooperation: Policy Choices in Trade-Off Situations. Swiss Political Science Review, 24(4): 400-422.
- Walter, Stefanie, Elias Dinas, Ignacio Jurado, and Nikitas Konstantinidis (2018). Non-cooperation by popular vote: Expectations, foreign intervention, and the vote in the 2015 Greek bailout referendum. International Organization 72(4): 969-994.
- Walter, Stefanie (2018). Warum die EU beim Brexit eine harte Linie fährt. Die Volkswirtschaft, 91(19): 35.
- Owen, Erica and Stefanie Walter (2017). Open Economy Politics and Brexit. Insights, Puzzles, and Ways Forward. Review of International Political Economy, 24(2): 179-202
Related Blog Posts
- Emmenegger, Patrick, Silja Häusermann and Stefanie Walter (2019). Nationale Souveränität oder wirtschaftliche Integration? Nur für Bürgerliche eine schwierige Entscheidung. De facto Blog, 9 January 2019.